hockey player training

One of my favorite pastimes, besides hockey, is watching movies. I recently watched Million Dollar Baby, with Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, and Morgan Freeman. It’s about an underdog amateur boxer, chasing her dream to become champion. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it.

This girl lives and breathes boxing, 24 hours a day. Her commitment to reaching her objective is unbelievable. For whatever reason, when watching her train, I tried to reflect back to when I was chasing my hockey dream. I actually paused the movie, closed my eyes, and revisited that time of my life.

What I realized was that getting better at something isn’t glamorous. The majority of the time, you are by yourself, lost in your thoughts while lifting weights, riding the bike, running, doing sprints, stick handling, and shooting. Where did the motivation come from to keep reaching for it week after week?

It was never my parents forcing me to train and work at becoming better. It was an inner voice that kept telling me to keep pushing forward. It wasn’t work, but I did view it as a job. It was job that I wanted to keep for as long as I could and would do whatever was needed to protect it from others who wanted to take it away from me.

There was a line in the movie by Morgan Freeman that really resonated with me. He said, “It’s the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees, but you.”

Getting better has to come from within. You have to determine your final destination and then start chasing it – one day, one week, one month, and one year at a time. You must have a patient and persistent approach, making small weekly reaches that, over time, become huge gains. 

The price of what others may feel you are giving up is worth the prize.

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Lance Pitlick