How Does Shot Location Impact Scoring

How Does Shot Location Impact Scoring

Years ago we stumbled across the following graph, published by Ontario Minor Hockey Association, with original stats compiled by Stats LLC over then-recent NHL seasons, entitled “The Science of Scoring”. ...
Sniper Sam
Grit: The Secret Ingredient to Achieving Greatness in Hockey

Grit: The Secret Ingredient to Achieving Greatness in Hockey

In this week's article, we discuss how playing with passion and persistence (i.e. grit) is the secret to outstanding achievement.

Sniper Sam
4 Scoring Secrets Goalies Don't Want You To Know

4 Scoring Secrets Goalies Don't Want You To Know

Learning from some of the best goalies over the last 30 years, Coach Lance breaks down four critical tactics for how you can keep the goalie guessing and score more goals.

Sniper Sam
To Become a Great Hockey Player, Keep Casting

To Become a Great Hockey Player, Keep Casting

Most players want the big prize, but are unwilling to put the time in to obtain it.  It takes years of grinding it out at practices, as well as off-ice stick handling and shooting, hockey camps and clinics. Earning the right to have an opportunity for a big moment requires patience and persistence. This week we revisit a classic fishing story told by Coach Lance with the perfect parallel to hockey training.
Lance Pitlick
Snipers Edge Hockey Tarp backhand shooting

Don't Ignore the Backhand!

When players think of hockey shooting drills, most would think of ripping forehand wrist shots, snap shots or slap shots. Very few think to practice backhand shots on a regular...
Sniper Sam

Learn the Pro's Secret to Dominant Puck Control

Puck control is an extremely important yet often overlooked skill for rising young stars to develop. That said, one’s ability to master this skill is a major differentiator for whether players can continue to move on to play at higher levels. But what does it really mean to have great puck control?
Sniper Sam
Five Off-Season Hockey Training Tips

Five Off-Season Hockey Training Tips

Now that your winter hockey season is in the record books, it’s time to start mapping out your off-season training schedule. So where do you start?
Sniper Sam
Hockey player scoring a goal

5 Tips to Improve your Breakaway Scoring

There’s no better feeling for a hockey player than when you split the defense and head off to the races on a breakaway.  Players on the bench stand up, and...
Sniper Sam
Old pair of hockey skates hung up

How to Overcome On-Ice Mistakes

In this week’s installment of The Inside Post, we revisit an essential topic about using mental toughness to overcome on-ice mistakes and focusing on the next play, written by our...
Sniper Sam
Tagged: Articles
Hockey Pucks and Hockey Drill Equipment

How to make your at-home hockey shots more effective

Follow these five simple yet effective progressions to simulate game-like situations and get more out of your at-home shooting practice.  
Sniper Sam
Hockey Players doing Drills

When to Sauce and When Not to Sauce

Besides scoring a goal, making the perfect saucer pass might be one of the best feelings in Hockey. A high skill play that when executed properly, can set your team up for a great opportunity to score. Here are a few things to know about this elite play and how to best utilize it.
Sniper Sam

5 Tips for Making the Team Next Season!

Hockey season is approaching quickly and that means tryouts are too! For most people, tryouts come with the anxiety of wondering if you'll make the best team, if your friends will be on the same team, or if you'll like your new coach. Here are 5 tips to help you put your best foot forward when you step onto the ice for tryouts!
Sniper Sam
Tagged: Articles